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Award-Winning Appliance Repair Specialist in Chicago & Suburbs

As the prices of new appliances continue to rise, replacing your home’s refrigerator, oven, washer, or dryer poses a financial challenge for many families. However, there’s a more affordable option. Appliance Repair Doctor Inc provides comprehensive appliance repair services throughout Chicago & Suburbs and the surrounding suburbs. As a locally-owned and operated business, our uniformed and experienced repair technicians are dedicated to helping our clients make the right decisions to fit their situation. We carefully listen to each customer’s concerns and then provide a thoughtful recommendation for the best solution. If you’re having an issue with an appliance in your home, call or text us today for responsive repair.

Lady checking the Refrigerator from inside

Refrigerator Repair

Is your refrigerator running? If not, you may be throwing hundreds of dollars worth of groceries in the trash. Unfortunately, a new refrigerator can cost thousands. Luckily, our knowledgeable and experienced team of repair specialists offers complete refrigerator repair services. As your one-stop shop for all major appliances, we have the right tools, parts, and skills to repair your fridge. Our team will work within your schedule to ensure you get the service you need when you need it most. We can complete most repairs on the same day. Some common signs your refrigerator requires repair include the following:

  • Loud Noises When Running
  • Water Under the Unit
  • Condensation Inside the Fridge
  • Excessive Frost in the Fridge or Freezer
  • Increased Energy Usage
  • Not cooling at all
Picture of a burning stove range

Stove & Oven Repair

Homeowners rely on their stove top and oven to cook their meals. These appliances are typically built to last between 10-13 years or even longer. However, if they break, it’s crucial to schedule your repair immediately. A damaged stove or oven poses a significant fire hazard for your home. When you choose us for stove and oven repair services, we’ll come to your home, inspect your appliance, and recommend the appropriate service. We take the time to educate you about the work we will be performing and why it’s necessary.

Washer & Dryer servicing done by the Appliance Repair Doctor Team in Chicago & Suburbs Area

Washer & Dryer Repairs

Whether your washing machine is leaking or your dryer requires numerous cycles to dry your clothes completely, we’re the team you can trust for same-day repairs. You can rely on our uniformed technicians to arrive on time. Your washer and dryer are an essential part of your home. While making trips to the laundromat is a good short-term solution when they malfunction. You need an affordable and convenient long-term solution. That’s where our team can step in to help. We have experience repairing many of the top-name brands in the industry and the parts to ensure the repair is completed correctly the first time.

Person checking the functioning of Dishwasher in Chicago & Suburbs, IL

Dishwasher and Garbage Disposal Repair

Your home’s dishwasher and garbage disposals make cleaning up after a meal a breeze. However, if they become damaged, you may deal with water in your kitchen. You can count on our team for dishwasher repair and garbage disposal repair. Proper maintenance and repair services are necessary to ensure your appliances remain a convenient, efficient, and practical kitchen aid. Our team has repaired countless garbage disposal and dishwasher units, and we’re confident we can assist you too.

Save Money With Our Appliance Repair Services

Whether you’ve had your appliance for decades or the warranty has expired on your new purchase, Appliance Repair Doctor Inc can help. We provide comprehensive appliance repair services for homeowners throughout Chicago & Suburbs and the surrounding suburbs. By choosing repairs over replacement, you can extend the life of your appliance, save money, and minimize environmental impact. All our estimates are valid for seven days to allow you the chance to explore all your options and make the right decision for your home. Contact our team today to get started with your repair service.

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