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Tips on How to Keep Appliances Running Properly This Winter

Winters in our windy city are notoriously harsh. To avoid leaving the house in the bitter cold to shop for new appliances, Appliance Repair Doctor is here to help you safeguard your existing units. We are your guide to proactive winter appliance repair and maintenance in Chicago, IL.

The Role of Winter Appliance Maintenance

Appliances do not function as well in extreme weather, so they are more susceptible to wear and damage during the winter months. That’s why properly preparing your appliances for cold weather is so important. Appliance Repair Doctor is here to provide you with the best maintenance solutions.

The Importance of Winter Appliance Care

Preventative maintenance is an asset to keeping your appliances running. Pursuing timely appliance care before the cold weather strikes protects against costly breakdowns, premature replacements, and even safety hazards. By giving a little extra care to your important appliances, you can enjoy uninterrupted appliance performance and sustainable reliability all winter long.

Seasonal Appliance Repair & Maintenance Checklist

At Appliance Repair Doctor, we empower our customers by providing experienced guidance and helpful insight. To help you master the art of appliance repair and maintenance strategies, our experts have curated a detailed checklist. This checklist is a guide to achieving sustainable appliance performance, cost savings, and unwavering comfort.

Preventative Kitchen Appliance Assessments

Kitchen appliances are typically the most used units year-round. However, as we are more inclined to stay home when it’s cold outside, they tend to work overtime during the winter. Before the cold rolls in, conduct a preventative kitchen appliance assessment to ensure the integrity of your stove, range, oven, refrigerator, microwave, and garbage disposal.

The Impact of Cold on Heat-Generating Appliances

Winter appliance maintenance begins with your heat-generating appliances. Stoves, ranges, ovens, and heating systems work twice as hard during the winter, leading to an increased risk of breakdowns. However, when you are proactive, you can detect and correct minor wear to keep winter appliance repair demands and complete breakdowns at bay.

Preparing Heating Appliances for Winter

To prevent having compromised heat-generating appliances, prioritize early intervention. The best practices for maintaining heating appliances include:

  • Conduct a visual assessment and look out for symptoms of wear or damage
  • Clean or replace any filters, vents, or burner assemblies to prevent build-up
  • Recalibrate or replace thermostat batteries
  • Schedule professional appliance inspections

Refrigerator Winterization Techniques

Refrigerators do not handle extreme weather well, leading to frozen lines and other damage. This means it’s important to unplug and bring in your outdoor refrigerator and prepare your indoor unit for winter by vacuuming the coils. It’s also recommended that a professional inspection be scheduled to catch any repairs that may otherwise worsen with the cold.

Evaluate & Replace Faulty Seals

Kitchen appliances with doors have seals. With consistent use, these components can become worn, hindering their efficiency, and facilitating the development of leaks and other problems. The good news is that seals are a quick fix. To avoid more costly and complex issues, evaluate and replace your seals before winter arrives.

Prioritize Dryer Safety

Lint obstructions are the primary cause of dryer fires, which are even more likely in the winter months. To protect your home, prioritize dryer safety with proactive maintenance. To prepare your dryer for a safe winter season, remove excess lint or lint blockages and verify that your screens are intact to avoid pest infestations.

Promote Smooth Appliance Performance Year-Round

Invest in preventative maintenance with Appliance Repair Doctor to preserve the integrity of your appliances. With decades of experience and a passion for quality service, our professionals are here to safeguard your appliances throughout every season. You can achieve smooth, year-round appliance performance with our tailored maintenance plans and cost-effective appliance repair services.

Mindful Winter Appliance Usage

Extreme temperatures impact the electrical flow of your home. These fluctuations can increase the need for electrical and appliance repairs and safety hazards if you are not careful. To minimize the risk of problems, keep your winter appliance usage to a minimum, turn off devices immediately after use, and reduce your usage rates.

Chicago’s Full-Service Appliance Repair Company

Expedite your home appliance repair and maintenance with Appliance Repair Doctor. As a family-owned and operated appliance repair company, we treat every home as if it were our own. Defined by responsive service, courteous professionals, tailored solutions, and sustainable results, trust in our expertise to protect and enhance your appliances.

Get Started With Residential Appliance Repair & Maintenance

Whether you suspect age-related wear or want to incorporate seasonal appliance care into your winterization regimen, Appliance Repair Doctor has you covered. To get started today, contact our friendly experts in Chicago, IL.

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