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Today was a typical problem that we see so many times.  A customer who doesn’t do proper maintenance on their appliances are looking for trouble in the future which could be today.  We dealt with a GE dryer that was not drying the clothes properly.  We did our diagnostic and discovered that due to a broken igniter and lots of lint build up inside the dryer due to what I mentioned before: lack of self maintenance. We professionally vacuumed inside the dryer and blower housing. Then we Installed the new igniter and tested the dryer to make sure it was heating and working the way it should! The repair we did this day was done in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago, IL 60647. For all your dryer repairs call or text Appliance Repair Doctor at 312-804-6703. You can also get more info by Checking out our website at

repairing GE dryer
repairing GE dryer
repairing GE dryer
repairing GE dryer
repairing GE dryer
repairing GE dryer

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